Welcome to Titans Nation!
Tryouts are just around the corner. Below is a look at the New Jersey Titans and its new vision and complete player evaluations: The Titans Advantage!
The Harmony Hockey Group (HHG) is made up of an ownership team who has over 20 years of experience in owning and operating Tier I and Tier II boys’ and girls’ programs as well as high-end junior teams. Its leadership has proved successful when it comes to its mission of placement and development of its players.
Tryouts will begin on Wednesday, May 5 at the Middletown Sports Complex (MSC). At MSC future Titans’ players will be taking part in the new Combine Evaluation format set forth by HHG. Below is the schedule and description of this new, cutting edge way to evaluate ice hockey players.
As you begin to prepare for tryouts, we want to show you our new components and the protocol we will be conducting. We have created a format that will legitimize tryouts for your player’s evaluation. Tryouts will mimic an NHL-style combine with an emphasis on quantifiable data.
There will be three parts to our evaluations this year:
At the end of each night, those 6 – 8 evaluators as well as George Haviland himself will meet to discuss every evaluation of each player’s performance that day. This will be tracked in our main database as we start to ensure the proper placement of each player. You will receive an email as to your schedule for Days 2 and 3. Because emails can bounce back when delivered, if you do not receive and email, please check the website each day for an updated schedule for your ice time.
Evaluation Day Process: What should I expect?
First, you will be greeted by our staff upon arrival at MSC lobby. Four U16 and U18 boys players, there are two (2) groups per level. Last names that start with “A” through “H” are in GROUP A. Last names that start with “I” through “Z” are in GROUP B.
* If you are pre-registered: You will be checked-in, given a numbered jersey and will be directed to the dressing location to drop off your bag. At the same table you also will be greeted by a staff member of our Sports Performance Lab. They will give you a rundown on how the off-ice assessment process will be ran.
** If you have not pre-registered: The same procedure will be followed for your check-in. However, you will be asked to answer a few other identifying questions (position, age, email, etc). Lastly you will be asked to pay your evaluation fee after at the front desk.
Staff members will indicate where to go for both on and off ice evaluations. After the on-ice assessment is completed, you will take part in on-ice skills and drills as part of Day 1.
Schedule for Day 1 – Wednesday, May 5th Only!
3:15 PM: CHECK-IN for U18 Group A players
3:45 PM: Off-ice testing for U18 Group A players (Sports Performance Lab)
3:45 PM: CHECK-IN for U18 Group B players
4:15 PM: Off-ice testing for U18 Group players (Sports Performance Lab)
4:30 PM: On-ice testing for U18 Group A players
5:15 PM: On-ice testing for U18 Group B players
6:00 PM: On-ice skills/gameplay all U18 players
6:30 PM: CHECK-IN for U16 Group A players
7:00 PM: Off-ice testing for U16 Group A players (Sports Performance Lab)
7:00 PM: CHECK-IN for U16 Group B players
7:30 PM: Off-ice testing for U16 Group players (Sports Performance Lab)
8:00 PM: On-ice testing for U16 Group A players
8:30 PM: On-ice testing for U16 Group B players
9:15 PM: On-ice skills/gameplay all U16 players
6:45 PM: CHECK-IN for 2007 birth year players
7:15 PM: Off-ice testing for 2007 birth year players (Sports Performance Lab)
8:45 PM: On-ice testing/skills/gameplay for 2007 birth year players
5:30 PM: CHECK-IN for 2008 birth year players
6:00 PM: Off-ice testing for 2008 birth year players (Sports Performance Lab)
7:15 PM: On-ice testing/skills/gameplay for 2008 birth year players
Again, please check your emails after Day 1 for instructions for Day 2 and Day 3.
Congratulations on being part of our hockey family as we get set for the 2021-22 season!
Need to preregister for tryouts? Click Here: